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Aurélie MARTIGNAC, Visual Artist & Art Mosaicist has been leading since 2018, workshops of"Discovery of the MOSAIC"as well as "Workshops of Artistic Activities" parents/children to "The Home For All" of Villeneuve-Tolosane (31270).
This is of a time of sharing around theCREATION,a moment of conviviality with your child or your grandchild. Come CREATE in pairs ADULT / CHILD all theWEDNESDAYSto the "House for All" of2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Registration & information from the Maison Pour Tous at 05 61 92 94 33Where05 62 20 77 39.
She intervenes in theCultural Centers,themResidences for the elderly, themClinics & hospital places,to Hair salon BSC Beauty Hair Health of Toulouse where the workshops ofMOSAICprovide a moment of letting go andWELFAREto the participants.
If you want to makeMOSAIConVilleneuve-Tolosane (31270), it offersweekly lessonsforADULTSevery Tuesday withA LA CARTE LESSONS, quarterly or yearly as well asTHEMED COURSES
For yourCHILDREN, she animates different INTERNSHIPS :deDiscoveryor atThemesin period ofSCHOOL VACATION & desANNIVERSARIESto theREQUEST
Finally, you can discover theMOSAICbetween friends or colleagues because they come to yourRESIDENCE ouCOMPANIESfor someGROUP WORKSHOPSonREQUEST

Stage de mosaïque enfants

Stage de mosaïque enfants

- PHOTOS OF THE CHILDREN/ADULTS MOSAIC COURSE with creation of a common painting (90 cm x 90 cm) "HOUSE FOR ALL LOGO"DE VILLENEUVE-TOLOSANE, 23 & 24 October 2018.
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