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AUM ॐ (or Om)

Om ॐ (or AUM ॐ)is the sacred syllable of Hinduism, fusion of Sanskrit lettersHAS,UandM.


Om ॐ is not a word, this syllable represents the original sound, primordial, from which the bb3b-136bad5cf58d_se would have structured itself, the seed from which language came. All the sounds that exist come from the Aum sound.

Om (ou Aum)  is the highest symbol of Hindu knowledge."The presence of the Absolute in the world". Like the music, it  transcends barriers of age, race, culture and even species.


Om ॐ "the eternal syllable" - Symbol of Harmony


"It is the universal sound which contains within itself the vibration of the Universe and whose repetition puts us in
harmony with the universal consciousness."










symbole AUM, OM, syllabe sanskrit, harmonie, mosaïque, création
Tableau mosaïque, symbole om, aum, yoga, méditation, miroir

"OM MEDITATION"(2014) - 60cm x 80cm  
Mirror, Black glass, Earthenware, matte Briare enamels
Cement joint ivory and black

mosaïque Toulouse, Tableau mosaïque, symbole om,aum, yoga, méditation, pierres semi-précieuses, Inde

"MEDITATION"(2015) - 25 x 45 cm

Matt & shiny Briare enamels, semi-precious stones from INDIA :  Malachites, Labradorites, Black Onyx,Om symbol: mirror shards - BLACK and SAND grout



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